Looking for a summer, seasonal job, or internship?
You can find opportunities on traditional job boards, but here are a few of our favorites that cater specifically to you-
the summer job seeker!
1. Coolworks.com – this website, developed by a team of fun-loving, high adventure friends living near Yellowstone National Park is a collection of, well… cool places to work. The Cool Works team have all been positively touched by working in adventurous, unusual, fun, and otherwise “cool” jobs, so they are trying to help all of you have cool jobs too. The jobs list by category is great; from Camp Jobs, to Jobs on Horseback, to Careers-there is something for every taste and adventure level. They also list jobs by state, season, and by national park. Another feature is a searchable jobs map.
2. Internshipprograms.com – this site is obviously focused on paid and unpaid internships across the US. The search tool is pretty focused; you must enter a place and types of internship, so you have to know where you want to go and what you want to do. This is great if you know that you want a dog-grooming internship in Alabama (if so- good luck to you!) or maybe a film internship in NYC. If you’re unsure, just type in more general terms like “summer internship” and you’ll get hits in your chosen location as well. As a bonus, the site blog has some great topics for potential interns from “How to Identify a Shady Internship” to “5 Sure-fire Ways to Blow Your Internship”
3. Summerjobs.com – Summerjobs is a great international resource for summer work. They have US postings as well, but you can search over 30 countries for seasonal work. The tips and info section covers international work topics like VISAs, relocation, and more. A note: If you are searching for a job in another country, many posts will show up in the native language of that country. Most posts aimed at international workers will show up in English however. You may just need to skim a bit to find what you’re looking for.
4. Backdoorjobs.com – This is the companion site to the popular reference book; “The Backdoor Guide to Short-Term Job Adventures”. This site is all about finding you a job that improves your life, sparks a passion, and otherwise opens mystical doors to happiness. And we say- go for it! Why not expect more from your summer job? Here you can explore jobs by category (One such category is “Mind, Body, and Soul Quests”), by state, or by country. There are volunteer opportunities and internships sprinkled in with the job postings too. The actual job posts include lots of information and gorgeous photos to help you choose your next summer job/life-changing experience.