Think of networking cards as business cards for job seekers. When used correctly and in the right situation (e.g., at networking events, job fairs, professional meetings, etc.), they can be effective marketing tools that complement your resume and differentiate you from the competition.
When developing a networking card, start with your name and contact information. Include a link to your personal website (if it is relevant to your current job search) and social networking profiles so you can be found on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
After including your basic contact information, you need to determine your “message.” If you’ve developed a personal brand, great! If not, take some time to consider:
** What do you want employers to know about you?
** What are your top functional skills?
** What is your competitive edge?
Here are a few examples of effective networking card messages:
“Helping job seekers build a solid reputation, advance their careers, and command higher salaries”
“Fueling growth and helping businesses make faster, better-informed decisions”
“Providing the financial, technical, and business insights to drive growth in the EPCM industry”
Be sure your networking cards are clean, concise, and uncluttered. Do not list employment details; save that for your resume. The goal of these cards is to pique the recipient’s interest and leave behind a summary of your professional value.